I am called

In a conversation with a friend, she reflected to me: You seem to have lost your focus, you’re somewhere and nowhere. Call yourself back home. Listen inside.

I am shattered to pieces of thoughts and feelings, which spread all over my past and future. Empty at the core. What is happening?

I forgot to rest.

After you sang the song, drink its beauty. It’s yours. Let it drip into you. And enjoy the full silence.

Why is God resting for a day, after s/he created the world within six days work? S/he rests and listens to her creation.

When I listen inside, I hear the song of whales and dolphins, calling me to come swim with them, and the earths soil calling me to come and dig in it again. Creation is calling me to go out, to come home within. To meet my fellow creatures, drink from their wisdom, to become receptive and surrender in full trust to my hearts guidance. My heart is a vessel for vibrations of my souls dreams.

Adventures ahead.


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